“Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin”


1.  The journal accepts for publication articles comprising descriptions of original clinical and experimental studies’ results as well as papers covering medical science teaching and public health services development. The decision about submitted articles’ publication is made by the Editorial Board based on expert’s opinion after reviewing. 
2.   The article volume (including tables, figures and references) shall not exceed 15 pages of printed text. Manuscripts must be prepared using MS Word and must be typed using Times New Roman 14 pt and 1.5-spaced and one-side printed out on a printer. Margins: left - 3 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, right – 1.5 cm ("common").
3.   Manuscripts (in English) shall be organized in the following order:
      - Universal Decimal classification (UDC) index,
      - Name of author(s) and initials (after a blank),
      - Title of the article,
      - Name and address of the institution where the paper was prepared, name of the  
        department (laboratory, branch),
      -  Contact phone and e-mail.
      -  Abstract (up to 100 words)
      -  Keywords (up to 5).
6.    The body of the paper is structured as follows:
       1) Introduction (in brief: necessity of the study; its objectives and problem scope);
       2) Materials and research methods (accurate representation of data collection methods and analysis ­of data obtained, methods of statistical processing. When manuscripts of experimental nature are provided a special attention is paid to humane treatment of animals and selection of adequate anesthesia methods);
       3) Study results (extended description of the obtained results);
       4) Discussion (results interpretation taking into account the up to date published data)
       5) References (alphabetically listed; the language of the quoted original is used).
       For journal articles: authors’ surnames and initials (with a blank, in italics); the full title of the article; the name of the journal (abbreviated); year, volume number and pages numbers (after a point and a dash).
 For books by a single author and collections of papers: the following order is used: author’s surname and initials, the book title, the place and year of publishing, total number of pages. References to dissertations, author's abstracts and other manuscripts are not admitted.
 The serial number in the reference list is given in square brackets in the text at mentioning or quoting of the paper.
  The total number of references shall not exceed 30 titles.
7.    Tables. The manuscript shall not comprise more than three tables. Duplication of providing the quantitative data in the tables and the text shall be avoided. Each table shall bear the general heading. Column and lines heading shall be clear and concise. Word abbreviations in tables are not admitted. If needed, “Notes” to the table specify the data presented (e.g. the number of experiments in a series, confidence level, etc.).
8.   Illustrations. The number of figures in the article shall not exceed five. Diagrams, charts and graphs are to be prepared using software; photos - clearly scanned. Figures are inserted in the text of the manuscript and bear the title, the number of the figure, names and designations of its elements.
9.   The manuscript is concluded (after the reference list) with the date of submission, the full name of the contact author for communication with the editors, his contact phone and e-mail.
10. The authors submit: an electronic version of the manuscript (the file is named after the first surname of the author) and two printed hardcover copies: Copy 1 - signed by all authors, Copy 2 shall not bear any authors’ or institution’s names for objective reviewing.
11. Please send your manuscripts to the address:

Полищук Светлане Владимировне
ул. Седина, д. 4 (Морфокорпус, 3 этаж)
Редакция журнала "Кубанский научный медицинский вестник"
г. Краснодар, Россия 350063
Электронная почта:
Тел./факс +7 (861) 268-55-02.

Polishchuk Svetlana Vladimirovna
4 Sedina Str. (Morphology Building, Floor 3)
Editorial Board of “Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin”
Krasnodar, Russia 350063
Tel./fax  +7 (861) 268-55-02

Manuscripts may be rejected due to unsatisfactory observance of the rules above without any further consideration.