“Kubanskii nauchnyi meditsinskii vestnik” – is a regular press scientific organ of the South of Russia was created by the first rector of Kuban Medical Institute N.F. Mel’nikov-Razvedenkov in 1921. Unfortunately, in connection with the emerged difficulties the publication of the Journal was interrupted in 1930. Under V.M. Pokrovskii initiative the publication of the Journal was renewed from 1993. At the present time the Journal has an international index ISSN 1608-6228, the printed version of the Journal is distributed by subscription, electronic version is placed at the site of the scientific electronic library (e-LIBRARY), that provides its availability to the reading public in Russia and abroad. The Journal is published in Russian language with the contents and summary to each article in English. The Journal enjoys wide popularity among scientific medical public and practical doctors. The Journal publications are widely enough cited in the other scientific editions. The Journal is included in «the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions, in which the basic scientific results of the thesis on competition of scientific degree of doctor or candidate of sciences should be published» and has sign, that means a recognition of the articles, published in Journal at defense of doctoral and candidate theses.