- Penzhoyan Artyom G., Penzhoyan Grigory A., Pokrovskii Vladimir M., Abushkevich Valery G. Integrative assessment of sexual dysfunction in men after radical prostatectomy and their female partners // Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; S1: 116-119. [In Russ., English abstract]
- Penzhoyan A.G., Penzhoyan G.A., Pokrovsky V.M., Abushkevich V.G. Regulatory-adaptive capabilities of the organism after radical prostatectomy with prostate cancer of the I-II degree // Systematic Review Pharmacy. 2020; 11(5): 29-32. (In Russ., English abstract)
- Penhoyan A.G., Penzhoyan G.A., Pokrovsky V.M., Akhedzhak-Naguze S.K., Kashina Y.V., Abushkevich V.G., Cherednik I.L. Comparison of the functional state of healthy men and patients with prostate cancer after a radical laparotomic prostatectomy by integrative indices // Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. 2020; 11(12): 1821-1823. (In Russ., English abstract)
- Anatoly A. Nechepurenko, Vladimir M. Pokrovsky, Dmitriy G. Tarasov, Heraclius Z. Kitiashvili, Valery G. Abushkevich. Hearing the Vagus Nerve’s Rhythm in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Obshchaya Reanimatologiya // General Reanimatology. 2020; 16 (3): 46-53. DOI: 10.15360/1813-9779-2020-3-46-53 (In Russ., English abstract)
- Muntyan I.M., Polishchuk V.V., Pokrovsky V.M. Assessment of Stress Resistance of Divers Based on Cardiorespiratory Synchronism Data // Human. Sport. Medicine, 2020, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 48-54. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.14529/hsm200405 (In Russ., English abstract)
- Kiyok O.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. Variabel'nost' ritma serdtsa u obuchayushchikhsya professii stanochnika derevoobrabatyvayushchikh stankov pri prokhozhdenii proizvodstvennoy praktiki [Heart rate variability in woodworking machinist trainees during workshop practice] // Ul'yanovskiy mediko-biologicheskiy zhurnal. 2020. 2: 135-141. DOI: 10.34014/2227-1848-2020-3-135-141 (In Russ., English abstract)
- Penzhoyan A.G., Penzhoyan G.A., Pokrovsky V.M., Akhejak-Naguse S.K., Kashina Yu.V., Abushkevich V.G., Cherednik I.L. Integrative objective assessment of functional state of women after radical prostatectomy in their husbands // Akusherstvo i ginekologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Obstetrics and Gynecology: News, Opinions, Training]. 2020; 8 (4): 14-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24411/2303-9698-2020-14002 [In Russ., English abstract]
- Vitalij G. Tregubov, Pavel V. Khilkevich, Iosif Z. Shubitidze, Vladimir M. Pokrovsky. Determination of the impact of bisoprolol and ñarvedilol on regulatory-adaptive status of patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left ventricular fraction // Eurasian heart journal. 2020; 3: 86-92 https://doi.org/10.38109/2225-1685-2020-3-86-92 (In Russ., English abstract)
- Kiek O.V., Pokrovsky V.M. The Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Adaptation of Construction and Finishing Work Students to Practical Training // Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2020; 8(2): 132-138. DOI: 10.37482/2542-1298-Z003
- Kiyok O.V., Pokrovskii V.M. The Functional State of Turner Students During the Apprenticeship // Ekologiya cheloveka [Human Ecology]. 2020; 8: 33-39. https://doi.org/10.33396/1728-0869-2020-8-33-39
- System for the simultaneous determination of cardiorespiratory synchronism and vegetative index in humans / Polishchuk V.V., Shkirya T.V., Pokrovsky V.M. // Patent RU 201 589 U1. Posted:22.12.2020 Bulletin. ¹ 36; s. 6; ill. 2.
- Pokrovskii V.M., Polishchuk V.V. The influence of the precision of the set respiratory rhythm reproduction on the parameters of cardiorespiratory synchronism // Medical News of North Caucasus. 2021; 16(1): 68-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2021.16018 (In Russ.)
- Polishchuk V.V., Pokrovsky V.M. Optimization of the test of cardio-respiratory synchronism in the assessment of regulatory-adaptive capabilities of the human body // VII Congress of Physiologists of the CIS. (Sochi, Dagomys, October 3–8, 2021). Scientific works. Volume 1. – M.: Izdatelstvo «Pero», 2021. – S. 110-111. http://www.physiologycis.org/files/uploaded/Vol1_PHYSIOLOGY10122021.pdf
- Nechepurenko A.A., Tarasov D.G., Pokrovsky V.M., Galenko-Yaroshevsky P.A., Korotkov K.G., Suzdalev K.F., Lebedeva S.A., Minkin V.A., Maslova P.D., Cherednik I.L., Abushkevich V.G. Treatment of heart rhythm disorders by increasing the focus of initial excitation in the synoatrial node (experimental study) // Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Petrovsky Journal. 2021; 9 (2): 84-89. https://doi.org/10.33029/2308-1198-2021-9-2-84-89
- Dey V.A., Polishchuk S.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. Influence of Sleep–Wake Patterns on the Body’s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering // Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2021; 9(2): 138-144. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1491-Z051
- Dey V.A., Polishchuk S.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. The Influence of Contact Intensity with the Outside Environment on the Body?s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering // Journal of medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 258-264. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z063
- Pokrovsky V.M., Eliseeva L.N., Samorodskaya N.A. Hierarchical Organization Of The Blood Pressure Regulation System In The Human Body // Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy. 2021; 65(3): 26-33. DOI: 10.25557/0031-2991.2021.03.26-33
- Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2021611568 Russian Federation. Program for determining the parameters of cardio-respiratory synchronism in humans: No. 2021610396: Appl. 01/11/2021 : publ. 02/01/2021 / V.V. Polishchuk, T.V. Shkirya, S.V. Polishchuk, V.M. Pokrovsky.
- Pokrovsky V.M., Abushkevich V.G., Somov I.M. Visualization of the process of excitation in the sinoatrial field of the cat heart at irritation of nervus vagus // Health Of The Nation In The XXI Century. Materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar, 2021. P. 88-96. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47191979 (In Russ.)
- Pokrovsky V.M., Abushkevich V.G., Kade A.Kh., Akhedzhak-Naguze S.K., Nikitin R.V. Ncreasing the density of functioning brain tracts as one of the mechanisms of stress resistance // Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2021; 4 (80). P. 60-64. DOI: 10.19163/1994-9480-2021-4(80)-60-64
- Penzhoyan A.G., Penzhoyan G.A., Pokrovsky V.M., Shevtsova S.A., Salova N.V., Akhedzhak-Naguze S.K., Abushkevich V.G. Evaluation of the vegetative status of IVF/ ICSI women whose husbands underwent prostatectomy, according the variability of heart rate and dermatological samples // Nauchnyj vestnik zdravoohraneniya Kubani. 2021. ¹ 3 (75). P. 87-96. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47154885 (In Russ.)
- Tregubov V.G., Khilkevich P.V., Shubitidze I.Z., Pokrovskii V.M., Yukhnova N.V. Effect of nebivolol and carvedilol on the functional state of patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left ventricularejection fraction // Clinical Medicine. 2021; 99(4): 282-287. DOI: 10.30629/0023-2149-2021-99-4-282-287
- Burlutskaya A.V., Tril1 V.E., Polischuk L.V., Pokrovskii V.M. Dyslipidemia in pediatrician’s practice // Reviewsin Cardiovascular Medicine. 2021; 22(3): 817-834. DOI: 10.31083/j.rcm2203088
- Polishchuk S.V., Pokrovsky V.M., Polishchuk V.V. Improving the procedure of normal human physiology workshop via video registration // Innovations in education. Materials of the XI International Educational and Methodical Conference. 2021. P. 298-302. https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45668804_24445321.pdf
- Kashina Yu.V., Pokrovskii V.M. Regulatory-adaptive capabilities of students: monograph // FSBEI HE KubGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia. – Maykop: Publishing house "Magarin O.G.". – 2022. – 110 p.
- Kiyok O.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. Izmeneniya antioksidantnogo statusa rotovoy zhidkosti obuchayushchikhsya rabochim professiyam v protsesse prokhozhdeniya proizvodstvennoy praktiki [Changes in the antioxidant status of the oral fluid in students during the apprenticeship]. Ul'yanovskiy mediko-biologicheskiy zhurnal. 2022; 2: 92–101. DOI: 10.34014/2227-1848-2022-2-92-101 (in Russian).
- Kashina Yu.V., Polishchuk V.V., Pokrovsky V.M. The method of cardio-respiratory synchronism in assessment of students' adaptation and its optimization // Sixth International Interdisciplinary Conference "Modern Problems in systemic Regulation of Physiological Functions" Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.V. Sudakov. – 2022. – Moscow. – P. 238-241.
- Kashina Yu.V., Pokrovsky V.M., Cherednik I.L. The role of serotoninergic mediator system genes in formation of human regulatory and adaptive capabilities // Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2023, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 23-33. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1491-Z126
- Kashina Yu.V., Pokrovskiy V.M., Cherednik I.L., Burlutskaya A.V. Comprehensive assessment of adaptation to university among students // Human. Sport. Medicine. 2023;23(1):73–79. DOI: 10.14529/hsm230110 (In Russ.)
- Kashina YU. V., Cherednik I. L., Pokrovsky V. M., Polishchuk S. V. Interaction of serotonin receptor gene polymorphisms with regulatory and adaptive capacities of medical students // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2023; 175(4): 415-418. DOI: 10.47056/0365-9615-2023-175-4-415-418 (In Russ.)
- Kashina Yu. V., Cherednik I. L., Pokrovsky V. M., Polishchuk S. V. Association of Serotonin Receptor Gene Polymorphisms with Regulatory and Adaptive Capacities of Medical Students // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2023. Vol. 175, No. 4. P. 424-426. DOI 10.1007/s10517-023-05878-z
- Kuchma V.R., Kiyok O.V., Pokrovskiy V.M. Dynamics of the functional state of students of the profession // Hygiene and sanitation. 2023; 102(3): 265-271. DOI 10.47470/0016-9900-2023-102-3-265-271
- Pokrovsky V. M., Ardelyan A. N., Arutyunyan N. A., Tashu B. S., Shcherbakov O. Ya., Pilipenko S. S. Rationale for the choice of a method for functional assessment of nerve regeneration when replacing defect with a biosynthetic analogue // Medical News of North Caucasus. 2023; 18(3): 338-342. https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2023.18080 (In Russ.)
- Dey V.A., Polishchuk S.V., Pokrovskiy V.M., Zabolotskikh N.V. Influence of Tobacco Smoking Reduction or Cessation on the Body’s Adaptive Capabilities During Antarctic Wintering // Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2023. vol. 11, no. 3. P. 285–291. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z154
- Kashina Yu.V., Cherednik I.L., Polishchuk V.V., Pokrovsky V.M., Shakhanova A.V. Regulatory and adaptive capabilities of medical students with varying degrees of depression // Human. Sport. Medicine. 2024; 24 (2): 58–63. DOI: 10.14529/hsm240207 https://hsm.susu.ru/hsm/ru/article/view/2458 (In Russ.)
- Kashina Yu. V., Cherednik I. L., Pokrovskii V. M., Polischuk V. V., Shakhanova A. V. Dynamics of the psychological status of medical university students. Psychophysiology news. 2024; 3: 43-50. – https://doi.org/10.34985/m2920-7474-2332-k
- Muntyan I.M., Pokrovsky V.M., Polishchuk S.V. Psychological resilience of divers to extreme working conditions. Systems approach in medicine and education: Proceedings of the conference with international participation dedicated to the Scientific School of the outstanding physiologist academician P.K. Anokhin. – Moscow: Russian University of Medicine, 2024. – P. 125. https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_75132806_28239724.pdf
- Kashina Yu.V., Pokrovsky V.M., Cherednik I.L., Kashina Yu.O. A systematic approach to assessing the adaptation of medical students by the method of cardiorespiratory synchronism taking into account sexual dimorphism. Systems approach in medicine and education: Proceedings of the conference with international participation dedicated to the Scientific School of the outstanding physiologist academician P.K. Anokhin. – Moscow: Russian University of Medicine, 2024. – P. 77. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=75132881