At the present time, determination of heart rhythm formation mechanisms in the whole (intact) organism is the main research field of Pokrovskiy V.M. and his colleagues. A system of new scientific facts that has been obtained from this scientific field has no parallels in world science. On its basis, Pokrovskiy formulated fundamentally new ideas about heart rhythm formation in the whole organism as a result of activity of a hierarchically organized system of structures and mechanisms of the brain and the heart.
Problem definition and summarizing of facts is presented in his study "HEART RHYTHM FORMATION IN THE ORGANISM OF HUMANS AND ANIMALS" and in a number of articles. In the process of obtaining facts demonstrating heart rhythm formation in the central nervous system, a new phenomenon, cardiorespiratory synchronization (CRS) was discovered. The structures and mechanisms located on different levels of the central nervous system take part in the CRS formation. The final stage of CRS formation is the heart’s reproducing of the rhythm of signals coming to the heart via vagus nerves. CRS is characterized by the synchronization range, duration of its development after the beginning of hurried respiration, difference between initial heartbeat rate and the lower limit of the synchronization range. CRS parameters were determined in people aged 5-65. CRS parameters depend on the type of the nervous system, tonus of the vegetative nervous system, functional status of the organism. It was soon established that CRS is of independent practical interest. It is successfully used as a method of differential diagnostics of the arrhythmia genesis and as a method of regulatory and adaptive capacities evaluation. The latter aspect is covered in the study “Cardiorespiratory synchronism in the evaluation of regulatory adaptive capacities of the organism”.
Immediate plans for research development and results implementation
1. In-depth study of the heart rhythm generation mechanism in the organism of humans and animals:
a) analysis of processes in the sinoatrial knot of the heart when it’s reproducing the central rhythm,
b) studying of conditions and formation mechanisms of the managing signals coming to the heart in the central nervous system,
c) creation of nosotropicly valid arrhythmic models and working out new ways of their treatment,
d) analysis of adaptation mechanisms of the transplanted heart in the recipient’s organism with the aim of working out ways of targeted adaptation improvement.
2. Training specialists to new methods of diagnostics based on new views on the heart rhythmogenesis formation mechanisms in the organism.
a) express diagnostics of heart arrhythmia genesis,
b) evaluation of regulatory adaptive capacities of the human organism.