- Pokrovskii VM, Abushkevich VG, Dashkovskii AI, Shapiro SV. Possible control of cardiac rhythm by voluntary change in respiratory rate. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR. 1985;283(3):738-40.
- Pokrovskii VM. Sukach LI. Effect of the sympathetic nervous system in regulating heart rhythm during burst stimulation of the vagus nerve. Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1985 Mar;99(3):274-7.
- Sheikh-Zade Iu.R, Pokrovskii V.M. Heterometric self-regulation of the heart as a correlation of Starling's and Anrep's phenomena. Kardiologiia. 1985 Mar;25(3):98-101.
- Sheikh-Zade Iu.R, Porubaiko L.N, Pokrovskii V.M. Effect of temperature on heterometric autoregulation of the heart. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova. 1985 Jun;71(6):764-8.
- Pokrovskii VM, Abushkevich VG, Dashkovskii AI, Maligonov EA, Shapiro SV. Synchronization of myocardial contraction and respiration during thermoregulatory polypnea in the dog. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR. 1986;287(2):479-81.
- Pokrovskii VM, Bobrova MA. Spike activity of neurons of the medulla oblongata associated with cardiac and respiratory rhythms. Fiziol Zh. 1986 Jan-Feb;32(1):98-102.
- Pokrovskii VM, Abushkevich VG, Dashkovskii AI, Kade Akh, Korobkina EV. Analysis of the effect of volley stimulation of the vago-sympathetic trunk on establishment of the heart rate. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova. 1986 Feb;72(2):183-8.
- Sheikh-Zade IuR, Tsvetkovskii SP, Sadymov IA, Georgievskii LV,n Pokrovskii VM. Deliberate heart arrest in man and its possible mechanism. Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1987 Aug;104(8):133-4.
- Pokrovskii VM, Sheikh-Zade IuR, Kruchinin VM, Urmancheeva TG. Sensitive control of heart rate in monkeys using burst stimulation of the vagus nerve. Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1987 Sep;104(9):266-7.
- Pokrovskii VM, Abushkevich VG, Dashkovskii AI, Korobkina EV. Bioelectrical activity and excitability of the ventricular myocardium of the frog under the control of heart rhythm by volley stimulation of the vagosympathetic trunk. Fiziol Zh. 1987 Nov-Dec;33(6):66-9.
- Pokrovskii VM. Mechanisms of the extracardiac regulation of the heart rhythm. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova. 1988 Feb;74(2):259-64.
- Pokrovskii VM, Khakon SM, Kade Akh. Sympathetic efferent activity in various nerves and regional blood flow in controlled bradycardia. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova. 1988 May;74(5):706-13.
- Kade Akh, Perova TP, Shubich MG, Pokrovskii VM. Catecholamine-containing sympathetic spinal neurons innervating the feline heart. Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1989 Jun;107(6):645-7.
- Pokrovskii VM, Abushkevich VF, Dashkovskii AI, Shapiro SV, Diak AI. Effects of high-frequency artificial respiration on the rhythm of heart contraction in cats. Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1989 Jul;108(7):3-4.
See Russian version for VM Pokrovskii's articles full list.